Home Loan Resources

Shopping for a mortgage can save you hundreds, even thousands of dollars. Lending Studios will help you identify and pursue the kind of loan that is best for your individual needs.

Buying or refinancing a home requires a careful analysis of your finances and personal goals. Equip yourself before you meet with lenders and secure the best home loan possible.

Lending Studios will empower you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions.

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Mortgage News and Advice

June 12, 2020
A white house with a blue roof in miniature.

What Are My Mortgage Financing Options?

Learn more about your mortgage financing options when you start the home-buying process to make sure you get the best loan product for your needs.
June 4, 2020
A graph of a mortgage payment comparing the per month payment for a 15 and 30 year mortgage.

Which is Better a 15 Year Fixed Mortgage or a 30?

Choosing between a 15-year mortgage or a 30-year mortgage requires a diligent review of the pros and cons of each and how they relate your individual goals/needs.
May 29, 2020
A wood cutout of a percentage sign.

How Do You Discover What Today’s Mortgage Rates Are?

If you are new to home ownership and mortgage shopping, you may not know that mortgage rates change frequently. Lenders across the nation post weekday mortgage rates to a comprehensive national survey so that you know what a competitive rate is. 
May 19, 2020
An image of a bag of money and a house on a scale.

Is Refinancing a Wise Financial Decision for You?

Just because mortgage rates are low, it doesn’t mean it is a wise financial decision to refinance. Knowing when to refinance and when NOT to refinance is a key part of investment strategy.
May 14, 2020
An image of a piggy bank next to a jar labeled "Down Payment"

Tips for Determining an Affordable Mortgage

Buying a home requires a careful analysis of your future financial and personal goals so you can enjoy home ownership, not stress over it. Part of […]
May 8, 2020
An image of a woman working on her laptop with a dream bubble above her head picturing an illustrated house.

How Should You Shop for Mortgage Rates?

Shopping for a mortgage rate can save you hundreds, even thousands, of dollars. Mortgage rates can vary in more ways than one depending on the lender. Forbes […]
April 29, 2020
An image of a chalk board prompting "Refinance Your Mortgage"

Benefits of Refinancing Your Mortgage

In 2020, you might be considering refinancing your mortgage. Did you know that this year, interest rates are near record-setting lows? The decision to refinance a […]
April 23, 2020
An image of an opened door with a key in the lock.

What Can Go Wrong During the Mortgage and Closing Process?

Are you ready for the home buying process? It’s a lengthy one and can be quite a ride, so be prepared to hold on tight. Things […]
April 15, 2020
A happy couple doing their finances together.

Making a Budget to Get Out of Debt

Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck? Do you feel like you can’t make a dent in paying down debt? Are you unable to develop […]
April 9, 2020
An image of two people moving into a house, doing quick sums on a calculator.

Budgeting for a Mortgage

When looking for a mortgage, it’s important to know your limit and stick to it. When you sign up for more than you can afford, you […]
April 3, 2020
A dark blue house with a wide garage and neatly manicured lawn.

How Does Refinancing Work?

Learn how refinancing works so you can better assess if this is something you should pursue to help you reach your financial goals.
April 1, 2020
An image of a triangle with "equity," "credit," and "income," on the three different corners.

What is the Income-Equity-Credit Mortgage Approval Triangle?

Learn more about the Income-Equity-Credit Mortgage Approval Triangle to prepare for mortgage loan approval. Balancing these three areas is key for success!